Super Nintendo RPG gamers, please wait. It is not possible to play Terranigma for Super Nintendo because it was never released. Terranigma for SNES is the amazing sequel to Illusion of Gaia Super Nintendo games and features the resurrection of Earth. This game was created by the same people who made Soul Blazer and Actraiser for SNES. It features the best music, gameplay, and storyline for the Super NES. This Retro Game Store will bring Super Nintendo RPG games to your Super Nintendo console.
Enjoy the video below, and we will be back to you later. Terranigma is available in English, so you don't need to translate.
*Terranigma Super Nintendo game only reissued
Enjoy the video below, and we will be back to you later. Terranigma is available in English, so you don't need to translate.
*Terranigma Super Nintendo game only reissued